
Opening my facebook..
I was shocked..
So so so shocked..
One of my friend had engaged..
One of my friend had married..
One of my junior had married..

They whom looks nothing two, three years ago..
Suddenly married, engaged...
Hey you..
Whom are born 1988, 1987 or above..
Do you think its better two married early or married late?
Which one is the priority, target, married or achieving you dream first?
Which one will you sacrifice first to achieve something else?
Either one have its own good or bad..
Up to you lah..
Think wisely..

"Tepuk dada, tanye iman dan cita-cita..."
"Family jangan lupa..tanpa mereka siapa kita.."


Unknown said...

yup...when we'r looking people around many had married n engaged..n i do agree with u..everything back to their own opinion..but 4me..if there a relationship..why must took a lonhg time to wait..if u don't book @ take him@her first..i'm worry u'll regret soon..coz..zaman skrg ramai perempuan tp blm tntu muslimah n isteri solehah..n ramai laki, tp blum tntu lelaki yg blh memimpin kemuarga mnuju cintaNYA..just think of it..

zamanislam said...

kena ikut kemampuan n target dlu,,insyaAllah bile kita yakin pd Nya Allah akan bg jalan mudah pd kita n akan tlg kite cpai ape2 kita nk..insyaAllah

maisarah said...

but da most important is.... try to get the love of Allah first.. Then da love of Rasulullah.. After all da love of zaujah/zauj...

so, puad, bile lagi?? ngeh3..

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