Lets Hear : Raihan : Your Face IS Bright (Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.w)

For those who want to know Rasulullah s.a.w, and follow his right guidance, remember to hear this song :

Raihan - Your Face Is Bright

You bring the light to the entire world,
You bring the hope into human lives.

Your face is bright like the shining moon,
Lighting up darkness of the night,
We are here, we think of you,
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah.

The coming of you make the brightest day,
Shining through along the way,
You bring the love of Al Islam,
You are the symbol of unity.

You bring the light to the entire world,
You bring the hope into human lives.

You lead us to the way of truth,
Oh Muhammad,
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah.

Well my friends the time has come,
To have some peace and serenity,
From the love of Rasulullah ,
Oh Muhammad Rasulullah.

Lets Hear : Yusuf Islam ft Raihan : God IS the LighT..

I shed tears from my eyes the first time i heard this song..it really touch my heart with the lyrics..
Hear for yourself..if you seek the LIGHT..

Yusuf Islam ft Raihan : God IS the LighT..

How great the wonders of the heavens
And the timeless beauty of the night
How great -- then how great the creator?
And its star like priceless jewels far beyond the reach of kings
Bow down for the shepard guiding him home

But how many eyes are closed to the wonder of this night?
Like pearls, hidden, deep beneath a dark stream of desires
But like dreams vanish with the call to prayer
And the dawn extinguishes night - here too are signs
God is the light
God is the light

How great the beauty of the Earth and the creatures who dwell on her
How great -- then how great the creator?
As it's mountains pierce the clouds hight about the lives of men
Weeping rivers for thousands of years

But how many hearts are closed to the wonders of this sight?
Like birds in a cage, asleep with closed wings
But as work stops with the call to prayer
And the birds recite - here too are signs
God is the light
God is the light

How great the works of man and the things he makes
How great -- then how great the creator?
Though he strives to reach the heavens he can barely survive
The wars of the world he lives in

Yet how many times he's tried, himself to immortalize?
Like his parents before him in the garden of Eden
But like the sun sets with the call to prayer
And surrenders to the night here too are signs
God is the light everlasting
God is the light everlasting
God is the light everlasting
God is the light everlasting
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