HoW tO tHinK likE a GeNiUss...

HoW tO tHinK likE a GeNiUss...???

Heres the steps..:

Become a knowledge glutton.

Read, listen, observe, and remember. The more information you can store in your mind, the more connections you can make. That does not necessarily mean you should spend most of your time reading! You can take an active approach to learning no matter what you are doing. Anyone can watch a cartoon and be none the wiser. A genius can watch a cartoon and think about what kind of animation is used, how the characters are developed, how the plot relates to real life, why the cartoon is popular, and practically write a dissertation discussing various facets of that single cartoon

TWO : 
When you learn something new, try to apply it and connect it to what you already know.

You will remember the information better and you might come up with a new idea. For example, if somebody shows you a new kind of jam, think about how it would taste on your favorite type of sandwich. If you're trying to learn a language, use what you have learned to write or say new sentences that aren't in the book.

Learn about Bloom's Taxonomy. 

Bloom's Taxonomy is a breakdown of the six levels of thinking, from the lowest level to the highest. Can you challenge yourself to think about everything in your life at the deepest level?
  • Knowledge: Knowing a fact. Knowing 2 + 2 = 4, doesn't mean you know what 2 + 2 = 4 means.
  • Comprehension: Understanding a fact: You understand the concept of addition and how 2 + 2 = 4.
  • Application: Knowing how to use the fact. You can determine that 2 cats plus 2 cats equals 4 cats. You don't know what 2 + 2 = 4 means, but you can apply it.
  • Analysis: Breaking down information into its parts. 4 - 2 =2 ; (1 + 1) + (1 + 1) = 2 + 2 = 4
  • Synthesis: Creating something new. (2 + 2) + (2 + 2) = 4 + 4
  • Evaluation: Discussion of the merits of 2 + 2 = 4.

Embrace change, uncertainty, and doubt. 

It is on these edges of knowledge that innovation and discovery happen. Question conventional wisdom. Most people will violently oppose challenges to "conventional" wisdom. They will ignore facts that challenge their beliefs. Geniuses think critically. They do not ignore facts, even when they conflict with conventional wisdom. Below are some examples.
  • People once believed the world was flat. Eratosthenes (400 B.C.) showed it was round.
  • Ptolemy's view of the solar system held sway for 2000 years. Galileo was forced to recant his view that the Sun was at the center.

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