Formatting your heart...

I juz finishing formatting my laptop..
In this cold weather..
Nothing to do..
I got an idea..
to format my laptop..
That was given by my lovely mother,,
Thanks mother...
Emm...Formatting this laptop is..
Sure very hard..
You erase all the things in you C driver..
And start again from ZERO,,,
Isn't it beautiful..
If we always "format" our heart..

Format it from sins..
You know..
Laughter is the best medicine..
But if you over laugh..
It make your heart turns dark..and dark..and dark..
Try to clean it..
With duaa and Quran..
Imam Syafiee,,once washing his clothes by a river...
He said..
"is't it wonderful if i can wash all my sins and heart like this?

I laugh smiley...hehehe

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